The Slow Dance: A Moving To Heal Experience
with Wendy Roman & Roberta Mohler

Monday August 12th at Rhythmwood Studio, near Lion's Head, ON.

How can we bring more attention to nurturing & healing our bodies through movement? The comedian Lily Tomlin says, "for fast acting relief, try slowing down". This workshop is about slowing down in order to discover the sensation in our bodies. When we move slower, we have time to tweak the movement to allow for more comfort and pleasure. "Healing is the little repair work we do everyday", says Nia co-founder Debbie Rosas. Through somatic explorations you'll be given time and space to sink deeper into the rhythms of your own body. This workshop will be great for anyone wanting more time to really feel and listen to their body in movement.

  • 2:00 - 5:00 Playshop

  • 5:00 - 6:30 Dinner, delicious, vegetarian, home made

  • 7:00 - 8:15 Nia on the Beach!

Price $125 + HST - includes dinner

Ignite the Spirit!

October 19 & 20, 2019

SOLD OUT - join the waitlist please

A Nia weekend of inspiration through Music, Movement and Magic.

With Wendy Roman, Ayrlie MacEachern, Vita Wind and Roberta Mohler.

Marsh St. Centre, Clarksburg, Ontario

Early Bird before Sept. 1st $125 | Full fare after Sept. 1st $150

Register at:


The true self is always in motion, like music, a river of life,
changing, moving, failing, suffering, learning, shining.
— Brenda Ueland

...celebrate the wild ecstatic dancer within. Inside this dancer beats the heart of a tribal individual, that part of us that knows how to love, reminds us we are not alone, and inspires us to be our true selves.
— Gabrielle Roth